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Sympoiesis ::
is a work inspired by the notion of “being with” (Donna J. Haraway). It explores with-ness (with) what is “happening” or present within a space of soft dimensions. It is a collaboration with a co-arising of everything, no-thing and tension emerging within a moment of desire and receding of expectations.
Co-created and performed by shoshana green and kevin corcoran
presented by SF Zen Center and Tsubushi Butoh Journal
sharing the performance evening with butoh teachers and legends from Seattle WA
Joan Laage & Kaoru Okumura
Leaving the Darkness: A Butoh Performance, 3/1 : 7:30pm-9pm
Tickets here
photo credit below: (1) "Permian" photo credit Mai Adachi (2) Erin Feller